Claas service

Company Info

PROFILAND d.o.o. za trgovinu i usluge upisano je pri Trgovačkom sudu u Osijeku


Headquaters: Alojzija Stepinca 199, 32100 Vinkovci


Giro account Privredna banka Zagreb d.d. IBAN: HR0723400091110828874


VAT: HR86379146794 MBS: 030181433 Članovi uprave DARKO MARUŠINAC 


Temeljni kapital 20.000,00 kn uplaćen u cijelosti.





Darko Marušinac

tel/fax: + 385 32 540 499

mob: + 385 91 763 87 70



Dejan Pavičić, selling machines

tel/fax: + 385 32 540 499

mob: + 385 91 115 11 12



Ivan Rohaćek, service

tel/fax: + 385 32 540 499

mob: + 385 91 115 1113



Đorđe Blagojević, sales of spare parts

tel/fax: + 385 32 540 499

mob: + 385 91 115 1115




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